Journal of Biomedicine and Biosensors

Research Article

Assessment of Parasitic Contamination of Lactuca Sativa (Lettuce) Sold in Three Different Markets in Yenegoa

  • By Chinonye Oluchi Ezenwaka - 31 Dec 2023
  • Journal of Biomedicine and Biosensors, Volume: 3, Issue: 4, Pages: 51 - 59
  • Received: October 26, 2023; Accepted: December 20, 2023; Published: December 31, 2023


Lettuce, a green leaf salad vegetable, is cultivated extensively and holds significant economic value due to its high consumption rate. However, the potential for parasitic contamination of lettuce, despite its nutritional and health benefits, raises public health issues. The study was aimed at identifying the parasites present in lettuce and to identify whether market locations are associated with the distribution of the parasite. The study was conducted in 3 markets (Tombia, Swali, and Opolo markets) in Yenagoa, the capital city of Bayelsa State, Nigeria. A total of 30 lettuce samples were obtained with 10 samples from each market. 50grams of each sample were prepared, centrifuged and sediments were examined microscopically for parasite presence while parasitic load was also determined. The results showed that in Opolo market, Strongyloides species recorded the highest frequency (4), while Giardia species and Trichuris were detected just once respectively. Swali market had four different parasites detected; Ascaris sp (2), Giardia sp (3), Entamoeba sp (1), Strongyloides sp (5), Trichuris sp (2). In Tombia market, four different parasites were identified; Balantidum sp (3), Ascaris sp (1), Entamoeba sp (4), and Strongyloides sp (2). There was no significant (p-value>0.05) association between markets and occurrence of parasites. There was a significant difference in the parasitic load among lettuce in the three markets. The study has demonstrated that parasites are present in lettuces sold in the markets, however the changes in their occurrence was not due to market situations, although parasitic load may difference among the three markets.